Hi and welcome.
Producing a bootable USB flash drive which opens directly with Opera should be reasonably simple with a bit of help from the available web pages:
http://wiki.tinycorelinux.com/tiki-index.phphttp://www.tinycorelinux.com/faq.htmlThey may not be entirely up to date but will get you started. It will be helpful to understand the different modes of TC operation and decide whether you want to have a persistent home directory or have it backed up to a compressed file on the stick at the end of each session and restored (uncompressed) at the start of each session.. The standard installation creates a single user called "tc", so your bootable stick will be produced with this account,
A general outline of the steps in creating the bootable USB stick is:
- Download the TC ISO and burn to CD
- Boot from the CD
- Use the tool provided in Control Panel to create a bootable USB stick
- Boot from the USB stick
- Use the tool provided in Control Panel to Set TCE Drive to your stick
- Use the inbuilt tool, AppBrowser to install Opera
- Create a plain text file in /home/tc/.X.d with a single line "opera &" (omit the quotes)
- Reboot and Opera should start up automatically.
Some things to be aware of:
Using the provided tool to create a bootable USB stick will destroy everything on the stick
Creating the bootable USB stick from the CD will require you to install some applications. Do this using AppBrowser. Install them using the OnBoot option. The apps will be identified by the tool-script but from memory they are dosfstools, syslinux, and possibly perl5.
Ensure you add the bootcode waitusb=5 when prompted. This is in addition to any other bootcode you require. Again, see the wik etc.
That's an outline of the theory, over to you for the practice.
This still allows Opera web browser to be closed and show the desktop but seems to be one way of doing what you want - boot to a web browser.
Good luck.