All sources have been updated. I didn't copy everything because I had only taken 3 utilites (only 2 of which are used in the system at the moment). So kernel, 3 FLTK programs and the busybox stuff. I have updated the about page with this information. The about page, the one where TinyCore Linux acknowledgment and attribution has been since the very beginning...
I will say though, I make no modifications to the GPL'ed programs at all, so why can't I just provide a link to them instead? You don't ask for the source to every extension made, you guys are happy with a link to the home page in the .info file to suffice for those wanting the sources, and those making the extensions are still distributing the software.
edit: Now that this thread is in Remasters/Remixes, I have clarified the opening post as to what CorePkg is for, what it was designed to do and the benefits it brings.