Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions
SCM Basics
Hi Jason W
In case it's of interest, lilypond-2.12.2.tcz is practically an SCM already. Except for a dozen files installed in
/usr/local/bin , everything else is installed in /home/tc/lilypond and it has no dependencies. This is not a
request for an extension, just something I happened to notice.
Jason W:
Thanks Rich, I will look into porting it.
I know some applications that work this way, but what if it save the data in the same directory where it is?
Jason W:
Looking at lilypond.tcz, if there ever was a simple and solid conversion of a tcz to scm, this one is it.
I aim to get it uploaded tonight.
Slightly O.T., but speaking of lilypond - I was running UBC Logo a while back and it required some little library that was only to be found (in the repo) in the lilypond extension. It wasn't prohibitive, but it seemed a shame to download the entire (20 MB ? - I'm not on my Core machine right now to check) just for that one library... any chance of seeing lilypond refactored a bit? I'll get on my Core machine in an hour or so and get my details straight.
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