Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions
SCM Basics
I'm not sure what it is but sounds like "scrim"
The idea of cleanly unmounting a app sounds cool
Jason W:
Scum, like "scuzzy" for scsi, I guess. lol
But anyway, the scm is just a simple putting back into practice the compressed mountable image - .uci - that Robert pioneered many years ago which I am personally getting once again hooked on. I like that it can be a safe playground where we can go ahead and use gtk3, python3, other new things, etc, without having to wait on a migration in the tcz area.
Don't get me wrong, I plan to maintain my tcz extensions, and the tcz area remains of utmost importance as it is our 'system', whereas the scm's are self contained and basically affect nothing else outside themselves. Though Robert (gutmensch) has taken the lead in the tcz repo since I have my hands full right now with scms.
Let me see if I get this.
The objective is to have both tcz's and scm's installed simultaneously, one with deps and the other may be completely self contained and likely have duplicates of some deps already installed for the tcz's.
Jason W:
Basically, tcz's can support scms as dependencies, but scms do not interfere with either the base system or the system provided by the installed tcz extensions.
Scm's only install into /apps, and if writable space is needed, then /opt/scm/APPNAME is used and symlinked to from inside the scm. So scm's do not in any way interfere with the installed system, only affecting /apps (and /opt/scm/APPNAME if needed).
One selling point of course, is the quick, clean-and-pristine, and officially supported uninstalling of extensions.
scm's can be a tcz dep? there's an interesting dynamic for sure.
Important to note that tcz's are not being depreciated :)
So scm's are supplemental to the system where we can use additional versions of a lib already installed through a tcz dep yet functioning within a sandbox so to speak??
is there going to be a submitscm audit script available soon? to make sure we get it right.
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