Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions

SCM Basics

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scm is quite similar to sfs modules for puppylinux, except that its more modular/dynamic.
Would it be good ides to have scm-build scripts for these scm instead directly of scm files.
1. Space save on server.
2.  Dynamic build on users end.
So while selecting a package, example, 'php' in appbrowser one can opt to install as usual or select 'build scm'.

Jason W:
I am not familiar with Puppy and sfs files, but from what I understand the sfs is similar to the tcz in that it is files installed into PKGROOT/usr/, PKGROOT/usr/local/ and such.  And then the sfs is overlayed into the system with unionfs so it is as if they are being coped to the system but without the memory space being taken up. 

That is actually much different than the scm in that the scm apps are specifically compiled with --prefix=/apps/{appname}.  While some extensions would work to copy thier tcz contents to a directory in /apps, most would not work as most paths to config files, share directories, and all are set at compile time. 

I am assuming that by building an scm you mean copying the contents of various tcz's into the scm, which would not work as nothing is overlayed into the system when the scm is mounted, which allows for the clean loading and unloading the scm offers. 

So sfs is overlayed at boot time while scm is sandboxed in /apps.
This is why it makes scm more modular/dynamic.

scm allows for the clean loading and unloading. 
Just to clear, what does it mean by clean unloading?

I have not tried to install, if scm /apps/leafpad is intalled and tcz leafpad also exist, which one gets entry in user menus?


Jason W:

--- Quote from: V.Krishn on January 30, 2012, 02:36:05 PM ---Just to clear, what does it mean by clean unloading?

--- End quote ---

Meaning that nothing is installed outside of /opt or /apps, so no system area is touched.  Well, execpt for the freedesktop files and icons in /usr/local/share/applications and /usr/local/share/pixmaps that get created and removed by scm-load as the app is loaded and unloaded. 


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