Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

is there a way of logging of user activities in TC?

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Hi jamtat
Instead of removing and then creating the link you can do it in one step like this:

--- Code: ---ln -sf /mnt/sda1/home/tc/my-bin/chromium-browser /usr/local/bin/chromium-browser
--- End code ---
The  f  parameter tells the link command to replace the current destination with the new one.
Something to watch out for is command line parameters. If you look in  /usr/local/tce.icons  you can
see if any are being passed to the application and do likewise.
If you replace the  &&  at the end of your command line with  >> ~/LOGFILE  it could serve to log an
error message if something should go wrong.

Thanks for the additional tips, Rich. The single-line command does do the job, as you indicate. I guess these scripts will be the answer to my logging needs. I've gone ahead and set it up and now have things working. It was made a bit more troublesome by the fact that I needed to replicate the setup for 3 machines and had difficulty getting sshd going on one of them--but that's another story. I was able to fall back on dropbox for copying the files between machines.



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