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Author Topic: boot with lilo  (Read 1834 times)

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boot with lilo
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:15:10 AM »
I have been now trying several days with different methods to install tinycorelinux v4.2 on a compact flash drive dedicated to be used on a embedded HW. So far I have come to a conclusion that grub doesn't work with settings I have tried - it just hangs when booting in that HW showing text stage2 loading... (in the meanwhile I have successed to install it on a USB drive and boot a normal PC so I assume my install process is correct.)

what I know is that my embedded HW can boot from CF using lilo since original system is using lilo+kernel 2.4.22-10mdk+mandrake 9.2. problem is that I cannot succeed to create a lilo boot in TC. (this is something as well I have succeeded to made for a normal USB and kernel bootup). So if someone could help me to
1) contribute the /etc/lilo.conf file where I can see how the image, append and initrd commands are or should be configured especially regarding the core.gz.
2) when I execute command sudo lilo -r /mnt/sdf -C -/etc/lilo.conf -b /dev/sdf I got error message fatal: raid_setup: stat (/dev/sdf). I canĀ“t understand what this means because I don't have any raid setup, only CF mounted as /mnt/sdf. note that sudo chroot /mnt/sdf is not successfull because it complains about requirement of a /bin/sh. If I create /bin/sh on the CF doesn't help.

hope information above is at least a start point where to start.