It's an armv5, ~400Mhz, 64mb. AFAIK the only existing distro that does compatible binaries is Debian oldstable.
Again, setting the baseline to that would then penalize the Pi, or require two ports.
On the arm front, looking forward to the Rhombus Tech A10 board. On "existing ARM", the Pi is about the same price while being much better hw (not counting the huge Farnell margins).
I'vn't understood yet when, where and at what price rpi will be available, then there is the latest ethernet port problem.
This is getting tiring, after months, so I'm turning my head elsewhere.
Rhombus-tech, too seem somehow stuck, at least taking the activity on news, pcb and bugtraking pages as an assessment. irc and mailing list are discussing about taking part to gsoc, sigh.
olinuxino guys are talking of a matter of days, let's see.
Moreover, this thing will probably be quite open: I understand that they're avoiding gpu-related closures by not having a gpu

I've taken a look at the SoC massive manual, and, if I'm not wrong, it will only have basic vesa modes.
Merely running TC would take over half of that ram.
Of course, just because I don't see much point doesn't mean it won't happen if someone wants to make it so.
I will try and see if I can get one.
My point in echoing that to the forum was that maybe if the TC developers contacted the olimex guys, they could have got an alpha unit.
However, I realize that would mean a lot of work, so maybe it's best to wait the more powerful realizations.
In general, right now I'm running an AMD X6, I think it cost 120e. It's been very good for my uses, I can well make use of the six cores.
Too powerful, there's no fun running TC on it

PS: Maybe this topic should be moved to another section of the forum? I fail to see how it belongs here.