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USB EXT HD inaccessible

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Thx coreplayer2,

Details about testdisk
Title:          testdisk-6.11.3.tcz
Description:    TestDisk & PhotoRec, Data Recovery
Version:        6.11.3
Author:         Christophe GRENIER <>
Copying-Policy: GNU GPL
Extension_by:   jpeters
Comments:       testdisk --help
                photorec --help

Size:           1.8M
Current:        2009/05/29
I'm downloaded it and have it ready for next time ;)

ntfsfix is a part of the ntfs-3g.tcz extension kit.

My usb ext hd is sealed up in a western digital branded case, its a 2.5in drive by the size off it.
I'll have a look on google and see if there is a howto to take it apart without breaking it.

The Drive I"m talking about is a WESTERN DIGITAL ELEMENTS 2.5 750GB 5400rpm

Heres a video of how to open the thing

so I can use the tools coreplayer2 is talking about.
I could also then test the drive with actual western digital hd diagnostic software.


NOTE FOR 750GB / 1TB: The latest 750TB / 1TB SE Elements drive no longer has a standard SATA interface. I just took apart my drive and found that the USB port is now integrated to the drive itself and instead of a SATA interface there are 12 ATA-style pins that are covered by the LED.

Always look on the bright side, I may not be able to attach the drive to a sata port on a pc and test it properly, but I now know not to buy that particular type of drive without asking some questions next time :)

There are many seldom used interfaces, like scsi etc etc.  you might try googling drive interfaces

If its new then it won't be long before there are adaptors available.  Whether data recovery or any drive tools will function through the adaptor   Is not known, for sure very few tools can access a drive through a USB port.

Let's see a picture

Should be able to get some pics on Monday 20-01-2012, its called a micro usb connector by the way, a few guys have posted that it totally replaces the old sata connector, and is actually a part of the circuit board itself.


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