Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
larger mouse pointer, make sshd run as service
Coupla questions as I try to iron out some final issues on this small computer lab installation of TC.
First, I'm concerned the mouse pointer provided by TC (JWM window manager, Xvesa) might be too small for my users. Is there any way I can supply a larger one? Some program I can install for that? Haven't found anything yet.
Also, I've installed openssh on these machines in case I need to ssh in for maintenance sometimes. How do I make sshd run as a service each time the machine boots?
Read the openssh info file.
Edit /opt/bootlocal.sh and add call to '/usr/local/etc/init.d/openssh start'
Edit /opt/.filetool.lst and add 'usr/local/etc/ssh'.
Do a backup.
Thanks for the pointers, gerald_clark. Guess I'll have to do this individually for each machine. Anyone have input on the mouse pointer question?
Thanks for bringing those threads to my attention, curaga. With information from them I've managed to get a larger cursor to appear under Xvesa on these machines. I had a little trouble finding big-cursor_3.8.tar.gz (the links provided in those older threads are no longer valid). But I did find a bigcursor.pcf at http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~nippon/bigcursor.pcf (it's really a horrid looking thing, like something straight out of the extra-large Windows 95 option, but I think it's exactly what will be needed by the elderly users of these machines). Once I downloaded that, I just had to gzip it and it was pretty much ready to go. Then, I modified bootlocal.sh as described (adding the line cp -f /mnt/sda1/home/tc/bigcursor.pcf.gz /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/cursor.pcf.gz). Upon rebooting I was greeted by the big, new, abominable-looking black pointer with white outline.
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