Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

portrait mode displays

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I tried xrandr -o left.
That just gave errors. BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes).

Sorry, lxrandr was a typo before instead of xrandr.

xrandr -o left

put my notebook to portrait mode. Type

xrandr -o normal

to go back to original or type

xrandr -o right

to get portrait mode in the other direction.

Hi Tuftec
Take a look through the xorg.log file and see what it says about xrandr (or randr). I read that your
driver has to support rotation in order for it to work.

Try rotating just one --output
This works for me.

I tried xrandr -o left earlier and it did not work. Just gave errors.

The h/w I am running on is very simple (eBox) so does not have a very sopgisticated video chip.

Hiro, not sure what you mean by your comment. Where do I add the --output line? Is this in xorg.conf?

Are there other details to add?



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