Once you have this basic system you need to clean it up a bit. I just pulled the extentions off the cd image. A quick note about CoLinux disks...
cobd? is a CoLinux block device. Like hda. Except it has an odd device number (117 i think). It is not automatically found in rebuildfstab.
sda / sdb are blockdevices with a standard name.
cofs? is a CoLinux link to your Windoze disks. They are handy but a bit slow. I've tried to store extentions through this bit I can't get them to work.
Initial Setup.
Make some disks. Get the modules in. It's easiest to do this all as root.
C:\> colinux-daemon.exe -t nt cocon=150x50 sda="Optional.ext3" cobd0="swap.1G" sdb="tinycore-current.iso" cofs0="." eth0=ndis-bridge,"Local Area Connection" eth1=ndis-bridge,"VMware Network Adapter VMnet1" mem=256 kernel=vmlinux initrd="tinyco.gz" root=/dev/ram0 syslog embed nozswap norestore
sudo su
mkdir /mnt/cofs0
mkdir /mnt/cobd0
mkdir /mnt/sda
mount -t iso9660 /dev/sdb /mnt/sdb
mount -t cofs /dev/cofs0 /mnt/cofs0
#Make a bit of swap (this will take a while)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/cofs0/swap.1G bs=1048576 count=1000
mkswap /dev/cobd0
swapon /dev/cobd0
#Make a disk image to store stuff on (this will take a while too)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/cofs0/Optional.ext3 bs=1048576 count=1000
mke2fs -j /dev/sda
mount -t ext3 /dev/sda /mnt/sda
#Copy the basic stuff
cp -r /mnt/sdb/cde/ /mnt/sda/tce/
#Extract the CoLinux kernel modules (from your Windoze drive)
tar -xf /mnt/cofs0/vmlinux-modules.tar.gz
#Pack them in a useful format
find lib -print | cpio -o -H newc > modules
gzip modules
#Get them back to Windoze
cp modules.gz /mnt/cofs0/
#Now you can merge your clockfix, Tinycore and the CoLinux modules together...
C:\> copy /B clockfix.gz + core.gz + modules.gz tinyco.gz
Note: If the network is down, you won't get X to work. I've got a VMWare setup on my machine, I use the VM network for my X as this is always connected. You can add the M$ loopback adapter and get the same result.