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persisting hostname; also games, killing pop-up menu

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I've turned up a coupla interesting informations in my further prergrinations. One is a wiki entry on editing the menu, found at http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:menu . I tried that solution but so far have not gotten it to work (test installation on a hard drive). Offers kind of a workaround, if I can actually get something like that to take. But my preference would really be to have the pop-up menu just go away. Which leads me to the next link I found . . .

Namely at http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=12188.0 , a thread that gives a link to another wiki entry at http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:creating_custom_command_icons_in_wbar . If I could make the menu go away and get all needed applications into wbar, I'd be a happy camper.

I'll keep tryin to make this work.


The thread at http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=8866.15 --in particular the post by roberts--seems to show the "canonical" method of changing the hostname persistently, btw. The file to edit appears to be /opt/bootsync.sh rather than /opt/bootlocal.sh


Ok. I got the hostname issue ironed out--was actually pretty trivial, once I found out the right files to look at. But the pop-up menu editing's not going so well. Yeah, I did manage to get it to take finally, after prepending "sleep 3" before the lines that replace ~/.wmx. But what ends up being in the menu once the desktop's fully loaded doesn't correspond to the changes I made in the ~/.mymenu/.wmx folder. I think some of this boils down to the way this system is set up to auto-insert menu entries when programs are installed to the system--a wonderful touch for those setting up a mostly single-user system, but a detraction for those trying to set up a public terminal type arrangement. I still think killing the pop-up menu altogether might be the best option for my usage scenario--especially if I am able, as it seems I will be, to add programs to wbar. So, any possibility of simply killing the pop-up menu that appears when you left-click on the desktop?


I think it would be easier to use a configurable WM such as JWM, where you can remove the menu altogether with a line.

To remove it from flwm, you'd need to edit the source and build.

Thanks for your reply, curaga. That's what I thought would have to be done. Meantime, I'm experimenting with a new approach that involves essentially building up a system from scratch (using as the base something like what used to be called microcore) and installing as a WM, my old friend evilwm. That looks like it may very well give the results I need since that WM lacks any kind of menu but still seems to play well with wbar. Look for further questions about doing that in a different forum.



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