Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.2rc3

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OK. Working now as expected.

Thanks for testing and feedback. Very much appreciated. Going forward Core is much more modular. Which is the goal of the 4.2 release.

I luv the continuing modular approach, which must surely be close to being complete with this release.

Today I created a remastered  core iso from a coreplus frugal install simply by removing the X and wm related extensions from the remaster, the result a cli core ISO.

Thanks a million, this is so cool.   And a big thanks to all those who helped make this release possible.T

Finally I got it up and running from USB stick after many trials and discussing with Robert. The key point is, that you can't use the same partition for tce directory and cde. With other words it means, that single FAT partitioned setup is not supported, you need a second LINUX partition for tce. tce= boot option to this partition will create tce and its sub directories and will be found automatically at next boot.

There is one bug still, onboot.lst is not created automatically. If you create an empty onboot.lst in /tce with

sudo chmod 755 onboot.lst
sudo chown tc.staff onboot.lst

It appears to work as expected (aka as TC 4.1)

AppsAudit / OnBoot / Maintenance:

Extension can be added to the onboot list, but can!t be removed.


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