Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing

Core v4.2rc3

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--- Quote from: newbody on December 24, 2011, 04:10:02 AM ---Thanks, I hope it helps somebody else because I am not smart enough
to understand it. I will follow the advice and stay with 4.1 and not take
the leap to 4.2

So thanks for answering my naive questions. It was fun while it lasted
but now I have failed so many times that my stamina has run out. Exhausted
and dreary or what word express it best. 4.1 works so no need for 4.2 on my part.

--- End quote ---
head up.
according roberts post, you can move with 4.2 ahead?

oops my English are not that good at grasping too few words.

--- Quote ---you can move with 4.2 ahead?
--- End quote ---

Only if I grasp how to do it?
I ahve tested some 5 times now and at or on each test
I cahnged boot codes and what was in the .lst and so on.

It always ends up with a black screen with a prompt
so it is not loading the needed files.
Sure I should download them from the link but I don't
understand where to put them so I tried to reuse things
from the 4.1 that works well.

Me being on NTFS I would need nfs-3g.tcz don't I?

I simply know too little of what is required of me.
Lack the details. So not sure what you say with these words

you can move with 4.2 ahead? Nope I can not but many others
can most likely grasp what RobertS and others here tell them to do.

I have no idea. Now I go to bed :)

Issue with wifi.tcz and xorg76 confless on an asus bicore booting from SD card only in RAM:
the wifi extension dont start (the wifi icon is in the wbar; but by clicking on it nothing happens; nothing in dmesg). Any idea what happens here?

@floppy: please post console output from "wifi.sh".


--- Quote from: curaga on December 26, 2011, 11:45:33 AM ---@floppy: please post console output from "wifi.sh".

--- End quote ---
First I had     sh no wifi.sh
Then by putting the wifi.tcz out of ondemand and again into the ondemand menue, it is ok.
This is the same behaviour as per minefield.. and opera I am working from now. So, issue solved. a ondemand refresh seems to be necessary


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