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[SOLVED] wbar+fluxbox issue: how to set max windows size?
Hi all, as well as i wrote, i have made a desktop ambient with wbar+fluxbox; however i have a problem:
when i maximize a window, it cover all screen size and it cover also wbar. I would want to see icons on wbar also when maximize windows and i prefer to set their
size a bit small in maner to see wbar. With flwm is possible but i am not able to make the same with fluxbox.
I ask you: how to set max windows size in fluxbox?
hi zemir,
i solved this with my slitlist and slitlayer variable dock.
my slitlits prevents other windows to overlay my wbar.
it just works.
Hi netnomad and thanks for answer but i am not able to see slitlist and slitlayer variable dock; what must i do to see them? Must i install some think?
And another question: what command must i take at clock to see date, week day, hour and minutes?
Your desktop is almost that i should want to make mine ;-)
hi zemir,
first visit http://fluxbox.org/features/ and dig in the http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Faqs.
most of your questioned will be answered afterwards.
in short:
you need a ~/.fluxbox/slitlist that includes all your favored "WindowMaker Dockapps"
and you need a ~/.fluxbox/startup that starts all your favored "WindowMaker Dockapps" to become slitlist-apps.
afterwards you slitlist will appear on your fluxbox-desktop and you can configure it with your right mouse-button.
i guess that you will find also the date-variables for the time field, i use "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S".
--- Quote from: netnomad on December 22, 2011, 10:11:09 AM ---hi zemir,
first visit http://fluxbox.org/features/ and dig in the http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Faqs.
most of your questioned will be answered afterwards.
in short:
you need a ~/.fluxbox/slitlist that includes all your favored "WindowMaker Dockapps"
and you need a ~/.fluxbox/startup that starts all your favored "WindowMaker Dockapps" to become slitlist-apps.
afterwards you slitlist will appear on your fluxbox-desktop and you can configure it with your right mouse-button.
i guess that you will find also the date-variables for the time field, i use "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S".
--- End quote ---
OK, thanks!
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