General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

After remastering (manual/automated) TCL does not boot...

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one more hint:
the only thing I changed to it (for test reasons), is the following unpack/pack-cycle done under my awesome running TCL4.1, as suggested in the wiki.

--- Code: (bash) ---# unpack it
zcat /tmp/tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d
# pack it
sudo find | sudo cpio -o -H newc | gzip -2 > ../tinycore.gz
advdef -z4 tinycore.gz
--- End code ---

Afterwards, neither a burned iso, nor the manual hd installation will boot.

And same result, when I do a "ez-remaster", without changing anything (so I only tell ezremaster the location of a original .iso and let the rest unchanged...  ???

Well this is quite curious. Does your extract dir have correct permissions and owner (root:root 755), does the fs it is on have enough free space?

If you then extract your repacked initrd to a different dir, are there differences? (diff -Nur olddir newdir | grep -v special)

nope, I checked it right now: that's all ok

the diff outputs (beside the block-device lines) only this
diff: original/var/spool/lpd/lp: No such file or directory
diff: remaster/var/spool/lpd/lp: No such file or directory
i guess that's more or less irrelvant...

very odd...

If you're comfortable making your own ISOs, I have a few suggestions:

1a) Add linux.c32 and meminfo.c32 (located in /usr/local/share/syslinux/ in the syslinux.tcz).
1b) Add some LABEL statements.  If you were using:

--- Code: ---LABEL tc 
        KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
        APPEND initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz quiet

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---LABEL tcl
        COM32 /boot/linux.c32
        APPEND /boot/vmlinuz initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz
--- End code ---
and add:

--- Code: ---LABEL mem
        COM32 /boot/meminfo.c32
--- End code ---

2) Could you try booting using the 'tcl' LABEL?

3) Could you post the results of meminfo?  (screenshot is as you did before is enough)

4) If the 'tcl' label doesn't work, could you try Syslinux-4.05 or Syslinux-4.06-pre1 ?

To get a better idea of what happens before the kernel panics you could use a boot code like 'vga=ask' which would allow you to see a list of other available screen resolutions (after pressing 'ENTER') and then choose one that provides for more lines (e.g. '80x60').

This way you might be able to gain some more insight about where the issue starts.


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