Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Core v4.2rc2
4.1 MultiCore: even no boot menu
4.2rc2 TinyCore: same as CorePlus, freezing after boot menu selected
If you can boot tinycore 4.1 but not multicore 4.1 then that indicates that your BIOS on desktop is buggy and cannot handle isohybrid. At least this test shows it is not directly related to 4.2 and could have been found when the first multicore iso was issued.
--- Quote from: roberts on December 18, 2011, 04:18:16 PM ---If you can boot tinycore 4.1 but not multicore 4.1 then that indicates that your BIOS on desktop is buggy and cannot handle isohybrid. At least this test shows it is not directly related to 4.2 and could have been found when the first multicore iso was issued.
--- End quote ---
Yes, probably it is a buggy BIOS. To be honest I'm using such ancient media like CD very randomly and till now everything was working. Unfortunately it is valid for USB as well, not only CD/DVD. Motherboard is cca. 3 years old, updated to latest BIOS. While it is a BIOS issue, you know, customer view is simple:
4.1 works, 4.2 doesn'. Therefore it is a 4.2 bug >:(
tce-update needs a patch.
--- Code: ---*** tce-update.orig Sun Dec 4 00:25:24 2011
--- tce-update Sun Dec 18 10:39:55 2011
*** 214,220 ****
echo -n "${YELLOW}Checking for Easy Mode Operation... ${NORMAL}"
[ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE="$1"
! [ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE=/etc/sysconfig/tcedir
[ "$TCE" == "/tmp/tce/" ] && TCE=""
# Next search for tce
--- 214,220 ----
echo -n "${YELLOW}Checking for Easy Mode Operation... ${NORMAL}"
[ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE="$1"
! [ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE=`ls -l /etc/sysconfig/tcedir | awk -F '> ' '{ print $2 }'`
[ "$TCE" == "/tmp/tce/" ] && TCE=""
# Next search for tce
--- End code ---
A simpler line:
[ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE=`cd -P /etc/sysconfig/tcedir ; pwd`
Good find. Thanks! How about:
--- Code: ---[ -z "$TCEDIR"] && TCE=`readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir`
--- End code ---
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