"if you're as good as you say"

If I would be good enough, I would just now debug kernel multithread MMU code etc. serious coding and NOT trying to write docs for TC. Yes, I did wrote some embedded code 10 years ago but nowdays I don't remember any of assy codes and probably won't recognice even makefile anymore. And, yes, (with Kernigham/Richie exellent book) I could print "Hello World" less than a week with gcc. Some day I may do that, too.
Nowdays GNU Linux is huge software tree, which nobody can control anymore on all linux distros. What I does want is that I could install and maintenance my PC and servers without debugging kernel source comments.
a) Put USB-stick on the hole and scan hardware
b) Check drivers and find correct HW compatible bug-free versions
c) Dump operating system to harddisk, flashdisk or whatever it nowdays is
d) Check system, if OK load applications
e) Use it
Simple, easy life without "cannot find XXX.ddl/.xfreeXorg-whatever that-or-this file is missing" reports is what I do want.