Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk

downloadable documentation for offline use

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FWIW, I think the idea of a documentation extension is great.  It wold be a moving target, so the extension maintainer would have a daunting task to keep it anywhere close to current - might be hard to find someone who is both willing and able to take it on.

But I'll bet it would be a very popular download.

What if a few motivated users were to post individual documentation (as extensions for easy retrieval) of their own use of TC?  Especially if well indexed these might be useful and especially in a collection.  In fact, if the indexing were done in a standardized way, a separate aggregating app might be made to pull together the indexes.  Just thinking aloud here...

gutmensch is our primary wiki admin right now.

Currently all the graphical (tinycore) part is documented quite extensively and even with additional stuff like screenshots and work-through instructions. The base stuff is more or less "just look at the code".

We should create at least some kind of overview about which scripts are called and when in the boot process, then use this to push people to search in there with their favorite text editor.

Before making downloadable documentation, make sure it is up to date. Much of the existing documentation is not up to date. So update it first.

If anyone is willing, has a good understanding of Tinycore, the ability and the time, I am sure it would be appreciated.

If a number of people want to contribute, that would be even better.

It does not need to include everything in the wiki, but would be ideal if it included all of the basics.

Then it will need to be maintained - that is updated for each new release of Tinycore.

It's easiest to keep documentation up-to-date if it's all in one place.  If the wiki is the canonical source, and you generate the documentation from the wiki, keeping the extension fresh is no extra work.  If the entire wiki isn't suitable for a manual, you could create a namespace for it.

In reply to beerstein: appending ?do=export_raw gets you the raw markup.


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