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Author Topic: (solved) Midnight Commander 4.8.0: issue in accessing files  (Read 15551 times)

Offline floppy

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(solved) Midnight Commander 4.8.0: issue in accessing files
« on: October 22, 2011, 03:23:20 PM »
since few time, I cannot access my files/directories with ftp in "MC".
I give "fritz.box" in the ftp menu of MC and the usb storage appear as name; but the directories/files cannot be read.
Here is the screen copy of the error. http://imagebin.org/180347
Has somebody an idea how to make it working again?
In a browser (firefox or other), this is accessible with "fritz.box", after I give the password, I can read the directories/files.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 12:59:15 PM by floppy »
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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2011, 08:30:06 PM »
Well, I for one can't confirm your observation when using my 7170 as the target for a quick test.

There is one critical setting regarding "passive mode" in the configuration, which can be checked via:
Code: (bash) [Select]
tc@box:~$ grep passive_connections= ~/.mc/ini
(or via 'F9' -> 'Options' -> 'Virtual FS ...' and then ensure that 'Use passive mode' is enabled). But in my testing when this setting is wrong you don't even get to the top directory.

So I assume your issue might not be related to 'mc' but maybe rather your USB stick. Please try a different one and if that works find out what is different. Another obvious troubleshooting step would be to check out a different FTP client (e.g. 'cftp-0.12.tcz', but remember what I mentioned in point (4) of this earlier posting).

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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2011, 01:51:57 AM »
with the last update to 4.8 midnight commander got a new place for it's config.file:
now the configuration is under /.config/mc
so check your entries under
tc@box:~$ grep passive_connections= ~/.config/mc/ini

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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2011, 05:38:43 PM »
by using "mc"..
-  fritz.box in the ftp link of mc show the usb but not the subdirectories (error)
   (fritz.box in opera, first ask for a password, then later show the subdirectories with all files: no errors)
- in the ftp link of mc show the usb but not the subdirectories (error)
-  I confirm: ftpfs_use_passive_connections=1 is in .mc/ini and in .config/mc/ini
help.. Im using "mc" for this ftp to my fritz.box (and file transfer from a device to another one)
perhaps this is a question of password?

So the next would be:
- re-check with another stick
- learn and use cftp
- learn how fluff can copy file from (example) /mnt/sda1/yyyy to  /mnt/sdf2/xxxx
   or ..  a fluff with ftp would be great. Michael A. Losh.. where are you? (remember the flume_reverse.. like the hp41cv.. is it coming for christmas 2011?)
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 02:14:32 PM by floppy »
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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 04:07:52 PM »
"mc" is working and accessing my usb in fritz.box on my wife laptop.. (fatty ubuntu 10.04)
not with tcl.. a pity
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Offline maro

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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2011, 08:41:23 PM »
I still have no clue what you are doing that is different to my test (still using the same 7170 with an USB stick attached), but clearly I can use 'mc' as an FTP client on TC 4.1.

In my re-test today I even specified a password (for the user account 'ftpuser' that my Fritz!Box insist on using) to see if that makes a difference. And just to be 100% clear: with 'mc' running I type in the following command on the 'mc' command line:
    cd ftp://ftpuser@fritz.box
I will then be prompted to enter the password, and afterwards can use 'mc' as expected to "play" with the files on the USB stick.

If one does not specify the user (i.e. 'ftpuser') this will lead to the obvious error message (i.e. "ftpfs: Login incorrect for user anonymous"). If one enters the wrong password, the message is very similar (i.e. "s/anonymous/ftpuser/"). If one wants to skip the password prompt one could specify (as usual) it in the URL (e.g. 'ftp://ftpuser:PW123@fritz.box' for password 'PW123').

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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2011, 12:59:36 PM »
The current comparison on the same laptop (ASUS, wlan connection to a fritz box).
- Ubuntu 10.04 with mc 4.7.0: the usb of the fritz.box is accessible (main directory and all sub-directories by using the mouse and clicking on the menue)
- Last TCL with the last mc update (4.8.0): main directory of the usb is seen after putting "fritz.box" into the ftp input screen; not the sub-directories (error after clicking on the main menue with the mouse)
    (and tcl on my desktop dont access the usb sub directories too).
    error: ftpfs: CWD failed
    in the window   mc [tc@box]:/ftp://fritz.box
For the reason it worked before, could you please inform where I can find the previous version of "mc"? I currently dont know how to load the mc.tcz (V4.7.5.4).
perhaps its a question of "clicking" on the mc windows for reaching the sub-directories? (GTK change..?)
the appearance of the directories change of the screen in 4.7.0 and 4.8.0: onte time it is indicated as /San...  the other it is indicated as / San.. (a blank is before the directory name)

Its ennoying because I use this usb on my fritz.box as exchange device between all PCs in the house.
I had still no time to move to cftp (not easy like mc).
I had a look into the change log of MC what changed between 4.7.0 and 4.8.0.. but could not find any precise reason.

Update: I think I got it. Within the "mc" 4.8.0, by putting "fritz.box" in the ftp link, then a directory "/ SanDisk-Microxxx-01" appear (the BLANK after the /) and the scrolling with the mouse  in the sub-directories is nomore possible. Except I put in "mc" a command line "cd SanDisk-Microxxx-01", then I have access to all other subdirectories. My conclusion: the BLANK is stopping the scrolling.

With "mc" 4.7, after putting "fritz.box", the "/DanDisk-Microxxx-01" appear and it scrolls.

Conclusion of the conclusion: the "mc" developper should correct this behaviour (Bug?); when putting "fritz.box", the wrong directory is indicated (a BLANK is putted in the front of it; an automatic scrolling is not possible; only a manual scrolling by putting the directory name without the BLANK).
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 11:03:20 AM by floppy »
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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Re: Midnight Commander: how to acess my files? (its nomore working)
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 12:58:15 PM »
After I contacted bmarkus, the mc developpers.. and made the latest upgrade to midnight commander 4.8.1 of the extension directory, everything works fine.
Thanks to all.
(the blank in the front of my USB stick name disappeared in the mc menu; the sub-directories of this usb stick can be scrolled now and all files are accessible easily)
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
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