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Author Topic: After remastering (manual/automated) TCL does not boot...  (Read 13341 times)

Offline MJZ

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Re: After remastering (manual/automated) TCL does not boot...
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2011, 05:38:20 PM »
yes, they were placed at /boot/
and no, memory is fine (and I guess it would affect untouched ramdisks as well, though maybe in other locations).

it seems so. well some interdependencies between hw and... some routine?
I am out of ideas now...

Offline genec

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Re: After remastering (manual/automated) TCL does not boot...
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2011, 10:43:21 PM »
yes, they were placed at /boot/
and no, memory is fine (and I guess it would affect untouched ramdisks as well, though maybe in other locations).

Also, you want to try calling the labels not just typing the binary's name.  So, at the "boot:" prompt, type 'mem' or 'tcl' (without the quotes, of course).  This is why I suggested adding LABEL directive statements to the config file.

A memory hole is a range of memory that's reserved and for this purpose can't be used for loading the kernel/initrd.  I've got a system that can't load a kernel/initrd payload of more than ~25 MiB without linux.c32 even though the machine has 2 GiB of RAM.  It has nothing to do with memory faults.

What are the sizes of the initrds that did and did not work?

Has the failing system always worked in VirtualBox?  Tried doing just a gzip level 4 or 9 rather than advdef?

Offline MJZ

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Re: After remastering (manual/automated) TCL does not boot...
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2011, 08:16:56 AM »
This is why I suggested adding LABEL directive statements to the config file.
actually I did so, have to check if I did maybe a mistake

thanks for the explanation of memory hole!
I am aware of this size restrictions, but there are no problems with loading a 60M ramdisk I made under VirtualBox, but with a 8MB ramdisk made natively running tcl....

yes, it always works booting them in vb, and also any system remastered under tcl in vb boots perfectly on bare metal.
I tried it with gzip -2 and without any advdef - same result.