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Why GNOME refugees love Xfce
@newbody WM's (window managers)? Don't let it bother you if you don't get the difference between LXDE, XFCE, and the rest. So you know, all of them are DE's (desktop environments). OpenBox, FLWM and FluxBox are WM's. What is the difference? At our level of use, who cares........ I know that there is a technical difference between them but most users identify the OS that they are using by what they see on the screen when the computer comes on. The true and want-to-be gear heads will go on and on about the difference but don't worry about that. Just use what you like, by what distro you like.
As far as being able to use Core or Core+?..........yea, it can be a bit tuff at first but that might be because you (me too) need the added benefits and things that a DE brings to the table and allows you to do things the way you are used to. To give yourself a boost of confidence and ease of use, go into the repos and look for lxde.tcz and load that up. I'm not sure if you need to load it as "On Boot" or the "On Demand" thing but this might help scooting around the OS a bit.
Don't worry about braking something in the OS. I break stuff all the time trying to figure out how it all works and doing "Hey Bubu, watch me do this" kinda stuff. You might try to take a snapshot of your install so that when/if you break it, you can reinstall it without having to go back and reinstall all your favorite apps and utilities.
Thanks John for an encouraging friendly post.
Naah I am too confused to be a Core user. I go back to
using TCL on USB with an old 3.7 or 3.8 thing that have NTFS still.
NTFS got dropped. Sorry that is off topic. Another reason I can not
be a Core user. I am off topic all the time due to my ADHD.
So thanks for caring about me but I have too drop my relation to being
active on this forum. I will miss all those friendly souls that I exchanged
views with. SvOlli, Lee, Grandma and so on.
Anyway thanks!
--- Quote from: newbody on March 18, 2012, 07:02:03 AM ---Thanks John for an encouraging friendly post.
Naah I am too confused to be a Core user. I go back to
using TCL on USB with an old 3.7 or 3.8 thing that have NTFS still.
NTFS got dropped. Sorry that is off topic. Another reason I can not
be a Core user. I am off topic all the time due to my ADHD.
So thanks for caring about me but I have too drop my relation to being
active on this forum. I will miss all those friendly souls that I exchanged
views with. SvOlli, Lee, Grandma and so on.
Anyway thanks!
--- End quote --- word comes to mind............why?
Help me to help you.
NTFS did not get dropped!
Witness the ntfs extensions listed when using AppBrowser' Search ntfs
Use these to gain full access to NTFS drives after boot.
Also available is the initrd version ntfs-3g.gz here
Add this to your boot loader to have immediate full access to NTFS.
The only thing that was dropped was an installation script that was attempting to modify XP boot loader. It was determined best not to try to modify XP NTFS boot loader. Note however one can use grub4dos to achieve this.
Thanks RobertS.
I am so sorry. My remarks lead us to get off topic too so just to clarify
It is a well known fact that I fail to get the intentions behind even well versed English.
I did base my take on it from a text that you wrote.,12164.msg65220.html#msg65220
--- Quote ---« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2011, 12:53:04 PM »
I don't want to deal with the installation of it anymore. XP is near end of life.
I have no desire to get Vista or Win7 or soon to be Win8. I tried my best to use grub4dos to be helpful for XP installs. But still some want nt boot loader mods and not grub4dos. That is too windows specific for me. I have not been a regular user of Windows since 2000. If anyone wants to take over the tcgrub4dos install program please feel free or the creation of an alternate install program. I have even contacted Svolli, a known master of NTFS, to see if he would want to take over the extension. Otherwise I will be withdrawing that particular installation extension.
--- End quote ---
I did not understand the rest of the post
I did not dare to ask either because almost always one are referred to the documentation
and them are on a level I fail to understand. So what does it mean?
The old code that you RobertS gave me:
--- Quote ---title Tiny Core Linux
find --set-root /tce/boot/bzImage
kernel /tce/boot/bzImage quiet tce=hda1
initrd /tce/boot/tinycore.gz /tce/boot/ntfs-3g.gz
--- End quote ---
and that did work older versions but when tried it on
the later versions I don't remember which I tried but
then it failed and you told me the text above.
But as I said I fail to get what people say. So seen from my poor reading
it does say you gave up on booting on NTFS. But that is my poor reading then?
So I need to find somebody that can explain how to get it going on my noob level.
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