Curaga, you were right, it took me a lot because I made a script to delete the contents of a package (I'm not good at these things)
tce-load -i squashfs-tools-4.x &>/dev/null &&
rm -rf ./squaz &&
unsquashfs -f -d squaz $1 &>/dev/null &&
REMOVE=$(find ./squaz -not -type d | sed -e 's/.\/squaz\///g' | sed -e 's/^/sudo rm -rf \//' )
echo $REMOVE | sed -e 's/sudo/\nsudo/g' | sed -e '$s/$/\n/' &&
echo $1 ARE BLASTED! | sed -e '$s/$/\n/' &&
rm -rf ./squaz &>/dev/null
it compiles and runs, but it's just an annotator! fool that I am!
If nothing else, I think that when I get time I'll do the same the package.
Currently the only way to edit a pdf is LibreOffice but does not do a good job, i will ask opinions on a new topic.
thanks curaga
P.s. fltk-1.10.tcz don't have .list file, i report it in another new post