Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Built-in editor beeps on PC's speaker on search, save, etc. It is the only noise application. Please disable.

screenshot beeps too :(

So too does popup and popask.
In fact all of the fltk-1.10 widgets that "pop up" a dialog (fl_ask, fl_message, fl_input, fl_alert, ...)  sound the beep.
Such is embedded in the bowels of these fltk widgets and would require changes to the fltk libraries.
Nothing new here. Been that way since day one.


--- Quote from: roberts on November 10, 2011, 01:22:24 PM ---So too does popup and popask.
In fact all of the fltk-1.10 widgets that "pop up" a dialog (fl_ask, fl_message, fl_input, fl_alert, ...)  sound the beep.
Such is embedded in the bowels of these fltk widgets and would require changes to the fltk libraries.
Nothing new here. Been that way since day one.

--- End quote ---

Hm... I used screenshot for sure in the past but do not remember it was beeping. Speaker beep depends on a kernel modul pcspkr. Was it there in 3.x? I remember some discussion here about missing speaker sound.


--- Quote ---sudo rmmod pcspkr
--- End quote ---


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