Uhm, I think there is something to refine the search field of appbrowser.
I found these two problems, i use the package Linux-PAM.tcz as an example:
1 If i search "pam" i not find any package, if i search "linux 123dsa2e2asd" i find all packages contains "linux" term. This result seems highly illogical to me, forces me to know the first word of the package, while not allowing me to refine the search adding term if I get too many results.
In the old 3.x was bearable because the research was done in .info complete description, at most you had to spend time to find a package among those not directly related, but now there is a risk to find any packages.
Another example: i search tyrian and not find anything, i search open and find opentyrian at last of showed list!
Now tell to me it seems logically normal search "plate" to find "chicken".
2 I think it's better to create a tag or keywords field in the .info rather than using the description, the item description may contain too many unrelated terms.
For example "opentyrian" package contains almost 42 words many of which are simple words of common language (like article) and is not present word "game".
And is still valid, however, the speech you need to know the first word of field description, others are simply ignored.
Another example with opentyrian and keyword search: i search open and find package in a long list of unrelated, i search "shoot-em-up" and don't find anything!
If I have forced to know the first word of name or description of the package, why would I do a search?
I propose that change the mode of research from "or" to "and" in any point of section wanted (also portion of words) and point "search" seach selection to "title" and "description" field and "keyword" search selection to new field "keyword" to .info file.
Sorry if I seemed to be rude, is not my intention, but I do not speak English and I had to find the simplest words to make it understandable, be more courteous requires more familiar with the language (I hope it is implied).