Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
I will continue development without them and let you know if there are any big problems.
--- Quote from: bmarkus on November 04, 2011, 07:54:17 AM ---Add /etc/protocols to base. It is short. Its lack is causing frequent problem at least for me even if it is available in the iana extension. Current setup is insequevent, as /etc/services is in base. For details see
--- End quote ---
I believe curaga answered this request in the above referenced thread.
If your use of perl requires iana-etc.tcz then it is an extension perl that needs /etc/protocols. The base does not need it. It is the policy if the base does not need such then it is best served via extension.
If there is a timing issue with some startup script(s), then move iana-etc.tcz high up on your onboot.lst or add iana-etc.tcz to perl.tcz.dep which will ensure that iana-etc.tcz will load before perl.
Would be better to have the maintainer of the Perl extension update the info file with a note about /etc/protocols and the iana-etc extension.
this is not Perl related at all. It comes up time to time with other extensions. I just faced it two days ago for example creating go language pack. In fact, this is a generic stuff one can expect be in any LINUX system. And small.
But OK, it is your baby. WIll use iana extension. ut in such case please do remove /etc/services from base, iana-etc.tcz provides it.
Just a final note. We are talking about a 6k file. It can be a reduced version with few lines of common protocols like IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP and use iana-etc.tcz when a full set is needed. Same way as already implemented for /etc/services.
Having a minimal /etc/protocols in base in 99% no need to install iana-etc.tcz as /etc%services is already there, so one can avoid annecessary overhead. TC is about efficiency.
Anyhow, I do not want to waste more time for 1k where no any real argument to omit except 'just'.
Since your 6k file is obviously different than iana 25k file please email me your proposed file and the team and I will consider.
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