Tiny Core Base > Final Releases

Tiny Core v4.0.2

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A bug fix and adjustments release.

Change log:
* Updated tc-config for microcore without X.
* Updated udev rules to correct reported permission issues on usb devices.
* Updated select to accept input from stdin.
* Updated tc-functions getKeyEventDevice

hi roberts,

great piece of work, the usb-devices got the right permission, so jpilot and xsane work flawless.
your actkbd-config is stable and the "0" disappeared...
the cups-printing matured, too.
your distribution is stable, useful for heavy leisure time and easy working :)
my internal wishlist is getting shorter and shorter...
by the way, a flexible, stable s2ram would be really great, and would save energy,
you know, let's care for our energy resources and our environment :)

again, thank you for your great work and let's thank all the good friends that transfered the repository to 4.x.


--- Quote from: netnomad on October 12, 2011, 04:50:49 PM ---the cups-printing matured, too.

--- End quote ---

Hmm - some users are still having problems with foomatic-rip  ;)

hi netnomad:
could you please be a bit more specific about the "cups printing matured" thing?
Is foomatic-rip working on your systems?
I have ownership problems with foomatic-rip depended PPD files and some other strange error messages.
See my thread on the samsung scx-4521F printer - which is a good exaple
Thank you

Note that several of the cups/cups related extensions have been updated, it would be good to check you have the latest versions.


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