Hi beerstein, sorry for the late replay, i've been distracted with some other projects.
I just got back to this one and had a crack following your directions.
I skipped step 4 as its my first time looking at the files and thought i'd have a quick try without reading.
So i started the server with your instructions at step 5.
Not sure about step 6 as in the past i use username and password to access via ssh into debian.
I can use ssh tc@localhost ok
I can also use putty from windows to access the virtual machine i'm testing vmware on at home ok with root@ and no problems

I am guessing that by leaving the sshd_config file default is a bit of a security risk, but its working, i will make time in the months ahead to lean more about hand coding that file.
Thanks for your easy to follow guide

Just my opinion, but perhaps openssh would be a good one for the wiki

I have a plan of leaning how to setup a tinycore or better yet, microcore print server with the custom settings files on the same CD as tinycore/microcore, the server would not even need a hard drive.