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Touchscreen without driver!!!
To build I needed autoconf autogen automake (By the way, there is a metapackage which installs them all?) and xorg dev.
The good news is that it automatically installs in /usr/local/...
The bad news is that it doesn't detect my device:
--- Code: ---tc@box:/$ xinput_calibrator
Error: No calibratable devices found.
tc@box:/$ xinput_calibrator --list
No calibratable devices found.
--- End code ---
this is --help
--- Code: ---tc@box:/$ xinput_calibrator --help
xinput_calibratior, v0.7.5
Usage: xinput_calibrator [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--list] [--device <device name or id>] [--precalib <minx> <maxx> <miny> <maxy>] [--misclick <nr of pixels>] [--output-type <auto|xorg.conf.d|hal|xinput>] [--fake]
-h, --help: print this help message
-v, --verbose: print debug messages during the process
--list: list calibratable input devices and quit
--device <device name or id>: select a specific device to calibrate
--precalib: manually provide the current calibration setting (eg. the values in xorg.conf)
--misclick: set the misclick threshold (0=off, default: 15 pixels)
--output-type <auto|xorg.conf.d|hal|xinput>: type of config to ouput (auto=automatically detect, default: auto)
--fake: emulate a fake device (for testing purposes)
--- End code ---
any idea?
Perhaps you need to set the touchscreen to evdev in Xorg instead of mouse?
unfortunately I can not understand what I must do.
I'm doing research but I understand too little, I think I will postpone the solution... for posterity :o
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