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TCL: Aggravating? Difficult?

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I saw a Linux magazine (forget which) today that listed what it said were the Top 10 Linux Distros. TCL wasn't one of them, but it got some praise for "modularity" (of course), while being downgraded for (IIRC) "aggravating defaults" and being "difficult to install".

I'm not sure what was meant by "aggravating defaults" (cloud mode?). As far as installation TCL goes to USB just fine -- I haven't run it on a PC with a working hard disk so I don't know about that. Anyway I thought TCL deserved better.

as the TCL intro states: TCL is not for every one!
there are so many users out there not able to understand the "philosophy" behind this unique distribution.
If one does not understand how can he see the advantages?

I think that once people understood the concepts, tinycore is more simply of other distro. Just think of the simplified management of the repository and installed filesystem.

I can see where negativity comes from but there's no doubt TC is the best distro out there  8)

I wish there were greater compatibility with USB wireless adapters, although there are workarounds for this.  I think a new user can easily fall into a trap with all the choices of tc downloads most requiring additional networking and install extensions. 

Perhaps a less confusing downloads section geared towards the new tc user. perhaps an iso which has install and wireless options built in that is ready to go OOB.  It's all there, just lacks intuitive directions is all.

It is called 'multicore'.


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