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Author Topic: FLTK Picture-See (AKA fl_picsee) - tiny GPL picture viewer using FLTK  (Read 17146 times)

Offline tobiaus

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i cannot get it to zoom now unless i use a scroll mouse. this is fine... i like the pan feature.

when you've made it multi-image, i hope it's possible to select a different zoom with a right-click menu. but whether a right-click menu is ideal depends on how multi-image works.

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Tobiaus:  Yes, I've thought about that.  Maybe I could also see if the left-click release is very close to the where the mouse was when the button was first pressed (and there fore the drag distance is zero or very small).  But would it be confusing to have many different options for zooming? 

Others: What do you think about the middle-button drag and scroll wheel for changing the zoom level? Would you prefer to use left-click for zoom changes?  Or all three?

For multi-image viewing, I might have a pop-up area on the left and right side of the image that you can left-click to page through the different images (like some websites use).  In particular, if you hover over these areas, you will see some kind of arrow (like a big '>' for the "next" image on the right side) appear over the image, and maybe the tool tip text will change to "view (next-image-filename)".

For more advanced kinds of multi-image viewing, I'm starting to think that there should be two versions of flPicSee, and only put the features like thubnails and slideshow in the "flPicSee Delux" version.  That way, if roberts prefers to have in TCB an image-viewer that is small and streamlined, the base version of flPicSee will still meet that objective, while if someone wants the delux version, he or she could load it as a TCE/TCZ.  The delux version could have fancier zooming features too.
Mike L.

Offline tobiaus

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Maybe I could also see if the left-click release is very close to the where the mouse was when the button was first pressed (and there fore the drag distance is zero or very small).

i hate to nitpick further, but now you seem to be asking, and i'm always happy to answer. i don't think you want to check for a drag distance to make it "tolerant" of drag, because this is better for the person zooming, but the person panning will now experience "jumps" (like when a wm snaps to edge. nothing against snap to edge.)

i've been using a mouse since the mid 80's, when they were a lot less sophisticated, but almost as accurate as they are now. it's very possible to click without dragging. only accept a left click if the drag is 0.

i have nothing against middle click except that the only time i've found it easy to do is on xterm and the like, and then just because it's easier, i use shift insert instead. i think of people who have trouble double clicking, even though it's very easy, and for them simulating a middle click would be a lot to ask.

if you do put in a left-click-drag tolerance and do it your way, make the tolerance range 2 pixels. then it would be tolerable for both those panning and zooming. my first goal is to make everything easy for the user, but with all the work you've put in i'd like to make it very easy for you, too. originally i figured a drag tolerance of zero (for left click, versus left button drag) would suffice.