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have you posted your issue at the SMF community forum ?

Guess it's more efficient.

Hi coreplayer2
I understood and agree with what you said. I provided the link as an alternative in case your issue
can't be resolved any other way.

Thanks, am just posting in case this appears an isolated issue or not first.  As usual I end up revisiting my own procedures and machines in the very likely event that the issue is of my own doing...   :-[   Since I'm the only user experiencing the phenomena I guess I need to see if I can find a source of the anomaly in my system

Hi coreplayer2

--- Quote ---I get the same response on every PC even without rebooting, but simply closing the browser and reopening it.
--- End quote ---
I just tried that and got the same result as you while running Opera. While I agree with you as to the
desired behavior, it does say   "since last visit"   which implies not any visits prior to the most recent.


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