Did you create sap using mkswap command?
no, i created it on gparted as a swap partition because this is
how i do it on my home computer (home computer is using hard disk)
what i do now
is reformat it to ext2 according to gerald_clark recommendation
then issue a "mkswap" in the terminal as you said.
then "swapon -a" still it's not detected but after a reboot finally it
was detected. thanks very much for your help.
Yeah, the card will die fairly fast if you use it as swap.
thanks for the reminder, i'll replace it as soon as i find my hard disk.
for now i just wanted to see TC running on pentium II. in my observation,
in you tube it's still slow and skipping frames when i check 'free'
i notice that it's not using swap that much. what could be the problem?