Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core v4.0 Alpha 3
It was only the prospect of a similar situation:
all for the same tipology of software
Its mainly when I'm fooling around with alphas and betas and testing out a new release or when I'm trying to debug an installation that has gone astray (most of which are the case right now), that I wish for this. If we already laid this question to rest, please remind me, but since we're heading into 4.x I though I'd bring it up.
I've got lines in my menu.lst including the following boot codes:
For tc 3.8.3:
--- Code: ---... tce=LABEL=pnyfob0 ...
--- End code ---
For tc 3.8.4:
--- Code: ---... tce=sdb1/tce3.8.4
--- End code ---
For tc 4.0A3:
--- Code: ---... tce=sdb1/tce40A3 ...
--- End code ---
I can't use the LABEL clause for tc 3.8.4 or tc 4.0A3 because I want to specify a directory other than just plain "tce". However "pnyfob0", a USB flash drive, gets different device IDs on different hosts so I'm forever having to adjust the "sdb1" part to reflect the actual device.
Any chance we could revisit the tce boot code so something like the following would work?
--- Code: ---... tce=LABEL=pnyfob0:/tce4.0A3 ...
--- End code ---
Lee, I'm pretty sure that I've tested this a while ago (albeit with UUID instead of LABEL) and IIRC it was working just fine.
One thing I noticed is that you where using 'tce=sdb1/tce40A3' for the working boot code and 'tce=LABEL=pnyfob0:/tce4.0A3' (which includes a colon and a dot which I would have not expected to see) for your "target" one.
Is that a simple typo in your posting or actually copied from the config file (which would make the latter then probably wrong)?
It was a typo. I was just putting that out as "for instance" because I didn't remember the issue having been resolved. It has been a long time since I tried anything like this. I'll try
--- Code: ---tce=LABEL=pnyfob0/tce40A3
--- End code ---
(no dot and no colon) next time I reboot.
Edit 2011-09-07 05:35:
Wow! Do I ever feel sheepish! I can't believe I either knew about that and forgot it, or I missed it entirely, but there it is - works exactly as I had hoped.
Thank you, maro, for pointing it out to me and Thank -you-, roberts, for implementing it. Have I mentioned lately, "Thank you to the whole Tiny Core team and the community for making TC what it is"? TC just keeps getting better and better. :)
There was a small mixup with the 64-bit modules. Look forward to the next release.
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