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TC wifi with a Hawking 54M 802.11g PCMCIA card
--- Quote from: Rich on August 26, 2011, 03:12:39 AM ---... This machine appears to have a built in 3com wired Ethernet controller. Any chance it might be conflicting with the wireless setup?
--- End quote ---
Well, your are correct that TC is by default not handling the case of two active network interfaces very well. But from the description of "... No LEDs. Nothing. ..." I took that the OP was not even close to run into that particular issue.
In the end (when the wireless interface is finally working) the simplistic work-around would be to either not have the ethernet cable attached or explicitly shut down that interface. But for now there are (at least IMHO) "bigger fish to fry".
Juanito, Rich & Maro (in order of appearance)
Thank you for your time and feedback. Just some feedback to you, I'm using Tinycore ver. 3.8.1 and Puppy ver 5.2.8. also I did try Wicd but though it downloaded and drive activity indicated that it TRIED to install. I have never been able to get a button on WBAR or the GUI on my desktop.
Though I haven't gotten the WiFi working, the lsmod, lspci & dmesg commands and outputs have given me lots to mull over as I dink with my $10 special and load different extensions, install different pc cards etc. You guys have been great and I think I'll back off & experiment for awhile. (Oh, I especially like that "redirect" tip)
I do have one question though, how do I open and read the *doc.tcz files. I've tried downloading and installing them to no avail. If I download/install the associated program (ex. tuxpaint.tcz) that works fine, but not the docs. Well anyway, if you've got a few minutes. Once again, thank you for your time.
The doc extensions will load into /usr/local/share/doc/
How to read them will depend on the contents.
The simplest method will be to use your web browser.
Ex: file:///usr/local/share/doc/
This is great. Thanks.
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