I`ve read docs. describing the configure options, but nothing tells what "--prefix" does.
I know it relocates the root path that the compiled exec. uses to find it`s "other files".
# But what does it do to the exec.? I can`t find any info as to exactly what it changes.
I`ve been looking at RPATH docs., and playing with patchelf seeing what can be done.
patchelf patches the RPATH in execs. to dep. libs., and RPATH in libs. to dep. libs.
I`m not sure if it will set an exec`s. path to dep. execs., but I kinda doubt it...
So with no compiling patchelf sets an exec. or lib. path to a dep. lib.
# Can this be done for the exec`s. path to other deps.?
Like "--prefix" does but working with binaries, so no compiling the whole package.