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Recommendations for a 14 years old intelligent boy: where can he start in PCs?
the is a 14y old boy nearby our home. his father said to me he is interested in different things and especially computer and I should made few recommendations for developping his son knowledge.
So, I should give him some informations how he can seriously play around with his PC. My idea is to
a) install TCL in parallel to his XP
b) show to him the forum, and possibilities for extensions of TCL
c) bring him in contact with linux user clubs here in our town
d) developping something? drivers? what? where are the needs from a beginner?
Do you have any recommendation where a 14y boy can start in linux OSs? (programming!.. not dating/chatting and messing around with a web-browser).
Give him Python
mocore: any use ,
I'd say club him for every time he says the word linux. Don't help him to install any drivers or he will waste half of his life with crap like that.
Show him how to build a house out of wood instead.
i would show the kid "Imagine Logo" tool.
Also show him "microworlds"
and 3d Elica logo.
and some games
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