Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Micro Core 3.8
Final Change log:
* Updated busybox - 1.18.5 new depmod applet and audit of required applets.
* Updated tc-audit added "fetchmissing" to fetch missing dependencies.
* Updated tce-load - now allows re-downloading non-installed extensions to better handle download failures.
* Updated tce-setup & tce-load to ensure busybox calls thus avoiding conflicts with various gnu utilities.
* Updated rc.shutdown - removed sleep to improve shutdown speed.
* Updated - improved searching by title results and support for fat file-system.
* Updated - support for fat file-system.
* Updated tce-setup, tce-load, and - alias for new depmod applet.
* Updated .profile - new user login sudo issue resolved.
* Updated rebuildfstab and tc-config for AOE support.
* Updated tc-functions getpassword to support backspace during input.
* Updated tce-setup for loading "tce" directory on cdrom and installable via updates to tc-install & tc-grub4dos
* Updated multicore.iso now uses extension directories for network, install, or grub4dos.
Thanks go to Gerald Clark for the new AOE support.
Note: New Xprogs.tcz and wbar.tcz to support new features when using X windows.