Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Howto: Create Bootable USB Stick
--- Quote from: curaga on December 17, 2008, 09:38:22 AM ---Your usb stick might need an additional wait: add "waitusb=5" to your boot arguments, where 5 is the number of seconds to wait for slow usb devices.
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure if it was that or the tce=sda1 (or both) that solve the problem (will try each one separately), but it works now. Thanks a lot!
Next step: USB stick dual boot with Puppy!
Hi All
I'm a former DSL newbie and judged by my inability to achieve persistence with TC on a bootable USB stick I'm now a TC newbie as well :-(
Briefly; I've created a bootable 4GB USB stick using Unetbootin in WinXP - in fact I'm posting this via Opera 9.62 in Cloud/Internet mode - but I can't seem to get persistence in any of the available modes.
Ideally I'd like to set up persitence in Mode 4 (PPI/TCE) and any help to achieve this along the lines of a dummies guide would be much appreciated.
Did you try waitusb=7
Please refer to Robert's advice --- http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=474.msg2969#msg2969
--- Quote from: cjgau on February 04, 2009, 02:01:59 PM ---Did you try waitusb=7
Please refer to Robert's advice --- http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=474.msg2969#msg2969
--- End quote ---
I've already set my PC's BIOS to a slow USB boot which copes with all the other distros I've tried. However if the TC waitusb=7 boot option has another function then I'll give it a try.
BTW I'm confused by the first post on the quoted link as the only place I can find any sort of similar reference is within the syslinux.cfg file on my USB stick which contains the following:
default vesamenu.c32
prompt 0
menu title UNetbootin
timeout 100
label unetbootindefault
menu label Default
kernel /ubnkern
append initrd=/ubninit quiet
label ubnentry0
menu label tinycore
kernel /boot/bzImage
append initrd=/boot/tinycore.gz quiet
I tried the waitusb=7 boot option together with tclocal=sda1, downloaded a couple of TCE extensions, backed up to sda1 and rebooted to find no sign of the downloaded extensions on the menu bar or within the right click menu.
Until I can find a simple way of setting up persistence on a USB stick I'll content myself by playing with TC in Virtualbox within Hardy Heron.
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