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Open source C compiler and IDE for Windows, recommendations?


Yes, I know it's a Linux forum. However, the program I am currently working on also has to run
under Windows. If anyone out there has any personal experience with any of the open source
packages out there I would appreciate your input and advice. If you don't want to publicly admit
to writing Windows programs you can PM me.  ;D

Run under Windows != dev under Windows. Back when I had to do that, I just had a mingw cross-toolchain setup on my linux box. It outputted .exes just fine.

I even tested under Wine. Of course final testing was under Windows proper, but I had no part in that :D

there is an open source C# compiler and IDE that tries
to be a CLone of Visual studio.

i don't know if that is any help to you


Hi curaga
Thank you for your input. Compiling the Windows executable under Linux is a big plus. After Googling
to see which cross compilers are available I decided to go with mingw32. Originally I was going to
compile the cross compiler from source, but all the scripts I tried either tried to download source
packages that no longer existed or bombed after downloading the first package. One failed because
it could not find autoconfig, even though it was installed and in the path. Eventually I found several
articles that recommended a pre-compiled package at SourceForge with a 4.4.7 compiler. After
separating the socket code into two include files I can now compile the program I'm working on for
both platforms from the same source files. Thanks for your insight.

@vinceASPECT     Thanks for the link, but I'm content programming in C.


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