Alsa isn't in OnDemand, but that comment sent me off to check in more detail what was happening. I have tested the following in TC3.8rc3 running in VirtualBox, but the behaviour as regards alsa.tcz not being visible is the same as for tc3.7.1 where I first noticed the problem
What happens is:
If alsamixergui, OSS_alsa or alsaconf is present in OnDemand.lst then alsa.tcz is not shown in the left hand pane when OnBoot or OnDemand->Maintenance is selected. This may happen with other 'alsa' extensions, I haven't tested.
OSS_alsa causes both alsa.tcz & OSS.tcz to disappear from the left hand pane. ossxmix doesn't cause OSS.tcz to disappear.
The items I load to OnDemand are so that I can load them if required, but they are not required to enable the sound system, so it seems reasonable that they should go in OnDemand. For this reason I may not always remove them from OnDemand if I change the sound system temporarily and will not be using them, i.e. I may change to OSS but leave alsamixergui in OnDemand. I won't use alsamixergui while OSS is installed, but when I go back to alsa it will be there should I require it.
I am trying to get the sound sorted out on an eeepc 900ax & I am swapping between alsa & OSS, hence why I have some extensions such as alsamixergui loaded as OnDemand, yet remove alsa.tcz from OnBoot on occasions to test OSS. This often requires a reboot as something in the sound card seems to require a reboot at times when changing from OSS to alsa or vice-versa.