Ah, thanks for the clarification Rich. So what gets "backed up" to "mydata.tgz" if I use the bootcodes "opt=hda home=hda"? One post I read showed how to edit "bootlocal.sh" and point it to "eth1.sh" in which you then put in the proper "ifconfig" and "nameserver" stuff (in my case a static address and nameserver pointing to the right dns). I would have thought I could simply edit "/etc.resolv.conf", but i guess the "/etc" directory is not persistent. I'll keep reading the forums and the other TinyCore documents, but thanks very much for your help and quick reply!
Lee, thanks for your questions. After reading through more of the available material I better understand the "concepts" for TinyCore.
The little box I put together is:
ECS PMI8M motherboard (Intel Celeron 600MHz)
2GB Type II Compact Flash (on IDE)
Dual 10/100 onboard NIC
Morex 3677 mini-ITX case with slim CD and built in DC-DC Power Supply.
I still don't quite understand everything about "backup/restore" but I think I will generally have most
"data files" in a location on a "persistent" /home or /opt such that there won't be much to "backup" except some "settings".
Thanks again for your help!