Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Under 3.8rc3, the  environment that is set up in .profile does not seem to be in effect for an app loaded as an extension.

This is a change from 3.8rc2 and earlier and it breaks, for instance, some scripts associated with custom buttons in emelfm2.  I don't have a convenient way to test other extensions right now and this is not something that really lends itself to testing in a "base norestore" environment, however, the only difference between the two environments is the instance of bzImage and tinycore.gz (and the bzImage files do in fact match)... using the same tce directory with the same contents (including the same mydata.tgz).  emelfm2 is loaded from the  command line after bootup is complete.

Under 3.8rc3 -and- 3.8rc2, the PATH as reported in a shell is:

Under 3.8rc3, the PATH as reported by emelfm2 is:

But, under 3.8rc2, the PATH as reported by emelfm2 is:


--- Quote ---
I am not going to rehash 3.6 and the broken isos that could be created and resulting posts that many things did not work. Instead of hacking...

Convert mydata.tgz to a .gz    Voila!

--- End quote ---

ok , I convert mydata.tgz to data.gz in iso , but it also like not work .

--- Code: ---# Process any .gzs before attempting to mount tce directory.
# /opt/tce support provided only for the purpose of a remaster.
if [ "$(ls -A "/opt/tce"/*.gz 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
process_gz "/opt/tce"

[ -z "$TCE" ] && TCE="$(autoscan 'tce' 'd')"/tce
if [ "$TCE" != "/tce" ]; then
if [ "$TCE_DEVICE" = "$TCE_DIR" ]; then TCE_DIR="tce"; fi
find_mountpoint "$TCE_DEVICE"
if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
if [ "$MOUNTED" == "yes" ]; then
if [ ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCE_DIR"/optional ]; then
mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCE_DIR"/optional
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
if [ ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCE_DIR"/optional ]; then
mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCE_DIR"/optional
   MOUNTPOINT="/tmp"; TCE_DIR="tce"

MOUNTPOINTFS="$(grep ${MOUNTPOINT} /etc/fstab | awk '{print $3}')"
if [ "$MOUNTPOINTFS" == iso9660 ]; then
[ -s "$TCEDIR"/"$TARGETLIST" ] && for FILE in `cat "$TCEDIR"/"$TARGETLIST"`; do FILE="$LOADFROM/$FILE" && process; done
echo "$MOUNTPOINT" > /etc/sysconfig/tce.mount

echo "$TCEDIR" > /opt/.tce_dir
chown -R "$USER".staff "$TCEINSTALLED"

# Process any .gzs in tce directory before regular extensions.
if [ "$(ls -A "$TCEDIR"/*.gz 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
process_gz "$TCEDIR"

--- End code ---

Where can I put  .gz  in CD directory ?  add new directory /opt/tce/*.gz  in CD or /tce/*.gz in CD.

I tried it not work.

Is there a reason why there are no '*.dep' files in the 'tce/optional' directory of 'multicore_3.8rc3.iso'?

I guess that will make it difficult for a system installed via 'tc-install' as all files from that directory are getting copied to the installation device. On second thoughts is forcing to copy all those files onto the target device really a good idea? Currently the user ends up with all those extensions on the target device (including those not required for the installation mode used).

Furthermore there are also no '*.md5.txt' files present, but maybe that's just me who thinks that those are useful. I'm not really a user of 'appsaudit', but I've got the hunch that the lack of those files might hamper the usefulness of that tool.

Note: I was not sure whether multicore related issues should be added here, or whether there is an already existing thread for them. So mods please move this one, if here is not the right place.


--- Quote ---ok , I convert mydata.tgz to data.gz in iso , but it also like not work .
--- End quote ---
You should look at microcore_3.7.1.iso as it loads multiple .gzs


--- Quote from: Lee on August 02, 2011, 01:00:29 PM ---Under 3.8rc3, the  environment that is set up in .profile does not seem to be in effect for an app loaded as an extension.

This is a change from 3.8rc2 and earlier and it breaks, for instance, some scripts associated with custom buttons in emelfm2.  I don't have a convenient way to test other extensions right now and this is not something that really lends itself to testing in a "base norestore" environment, however, the only difference between the two environments is the instance of bzImage and tinycore.gz (and the bzImage files do in fact match)... using the same tce directory with the same contents (including the same mydata.tgz).  emelfm2 is loaded from the  command line after bootup is complete.

Under 3.8rc3 -and- 3.8rc2, the PATH as reported in a shell is:

Under 3.8rc3, the PATH as reported by emelfm2 is:

But, under 3.8rc2, the PATH as reported by emelfm2 is:

--- End quote ---
Not being am emelfm user please provide specifics.


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