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rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)

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An award for a non-shipping product? I truly hope that this product does come to fruition.
Not Novemeber, even December will be late and very limited. Doubtful that one will be available until later in 2012.
Nonetheless very interesting.

hi roberts,

moving from debian to microcore as my daily used platform,
i probably will move slowly from i386 to arm.
i guess that the great minimalistic vison and reality of tinycore finds its counterpart in the arm-platform.
like i spread the use of nice microcore-configurations on usbsticks in my direct environment,
i will start a little project with friends and family members to use the raspberry for the daily use...
do you think we will find a path to use tinycore on arm?
what do you think?
what do we have to help, to change or to enhance for succeeding?

thank you for your help.

 I am planning to get one when they actually become available.
For $25-$35 dollars. That is something that I can actually afford! :)

I still have much reservations about arm processors. For example when comparing arm versus atom. First most will agree atom is not very powerful.
Running tinycore on atom make atom OK.

I have had the pleasure to experience Android (Cynogenmod 7) on a friend's Nook Color as well as playing with a first generation SmartQ5 Ubuntu/Android. Lately I have Android running on atom. Atom's performance is much much faster than the Samsung 667Mhz SmartQ or even the Nook Color 800Mhz. So, how well will a 700Mhz arm in a raspberry perform? Well for such a low price I plan to find out.

Hopefully it wll come to market. I think the lowest beagleboard is $89 so I wonder how they will be able to sell for $25-$35. Let's see what develops.

It's so cheap because it's based on older tech - arm11 cpu, 128mb ram etc. It won't be close to current smartphones, and I find them sluggish too with their dual cores of a later architecture.

I would then expect the performace to be in line with the samsung soc arm11 first generation SmartQ5 which sported 128MB and was sold with Ubuntu. Perhaps tinycore with minimal configuration would be acceptable. I would at least be interested in prototyping tinycore on it.


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