Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
Jason W:
Thanks to Roberto A. Foglietta we have fltk-fluid:
--- Code: ---Title: fltk-fluid.tce
Description: FLTK fluid
Version: 1.1.9
Author: Various
Original-site: www.fltk.org
Copying-policy: GPL
Size: 396K
Extension_by: Roberto A. Foglietta
Comments: The Fast Light User Interface Designer, or FLUID,
is a graphical editor that is used to produce FLTK
source code. FLUID edits and saves its state in .fl
files. These files are text, and you can (with care)
edit them in a text editor, perhaps to get some
special effects.
Change-log: 2009/04/07 First version
Current: 2009/04/07 First version
--- End code ---
Is the idea that this should replace the fltk stuff in compiletc?
Fluid is just a layout tool for fltk. It creates text files ending with .fl to represent the graphical layout of widgets.
Fluiid outputs c++ and .h files. A Makefile, or for smaller programs, the g++ compiler can be called from within the fluid layout engine and capturing the compiler errors,
The compiletc extension should remain the same. The inclusion of fltk-config and static fltk library is fine. For quickly making fltk executeables fltk-config is fine. The compile tool is just fine and does not need to include a GUI layout manager such as fluid, nor should anything be removed.
I've added compiletc.tce to my installation, but I don't seem to have the fltk stuff. Where should it be? Do I have to do something else to enable it? I seem to have many of the other tools from complile.tce like flex and bison.
I'd like to try to build a few FLTK tutorial files, then I have a small GTK2 hexidecimal file viewer I wrote I might try to port to FLTK. Thanks for any suggestions!
Mike L.
The latest version of compiletc has the fltk headers, static libs and fltk-config - it deliberately does not have fluid.
A user had posted links to an fltk extension recently that might still be valid, otherwise you may need to compile your own fltk extension.
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