Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
--- Quote from: maro on July 19, 2011, 10:45:20 PM ---As 'time-nw.nist.gov' appears to have been AWOL now for a while (i.e. no response even with a 'ping') I'd like to suggest to change 'usr/bin/getTime.sh' to use 'time.nist.gov' instead.
--- End quote ---
Updated getTime.sh to use time.nist.gov
--- Quote from: roberts on July 22, 2011, 05:28:27 PM ---
Updated getTime.sh to use time.nist.gov
--- End quote ---
The overloaded server time.nist.gov is not a good choice; it sometimes times out and fails to set the clock.
The following results show the response times for 5 consecutive requests made at 10-second intervals:
--- Code: ---$ while true ; do echo ; time getTime.sh -p time.nist.gov ; sleep 10 ; done
Fri Jul 22 23:17:51 UTC 2011
real 0m 21.20s
user 0m 0.00s
sys 0m 0.08s
2011-07-22 23:18:02 UTC(NIST)
Fri Jul 22 23:18:02 UTC 2011
real 0m 0.30s
user 0m 0.04s
sys 0m 0.14s
2011-07-22 23:18:16 UTC(NIST)
Fri Jul 22 23:18:16 UTC 2011
real 0m 3.34s
user 0m 0.02s
sys 0m 0.20s
2011-07-22 23:18:35 UTC(NIST)
Fri Jul 22 23:18:35 UTC 2011
real 0m 9.41s
user 0m 0.05s
sys 0m 0.22s
2011-07-22 23:18:46 UTC(NIST)
Fri Jul 22 23:18:46 UTC 2011
real 0m 0.22s
user 0m 0.01s
sys 0m 0.10s
--- End code ---
The first request timed out after 21.20 seconds without retrieving the information needed to set the local clock; calling getTime.sh to set the clock would have failed. (I have seen four consecutive 10-second requests to that server fail.)
The four other requests to time.nist.gov returned useful information after 0.30, 3.24, 9.41, and 0.22 seconds.
The server wwv.nist.gov does not seem to be overloaded. I have never seen it fail to return information, although I have seen a few requests take as long as 3 seconds.
vitex: I appreciate that your observations reflect your particular situation, but please be aware that this does not need to be the case for all other users.
Repeating your test from here I never had a timeout from 'time.nist.gov' (or 'wwv.nist.gov') and the response time from either one of them tends to be in the 1-3 seconds range.
I'm not objecting to any choice that Robert picks up in the end to fix 'getTime.sh', I just think the measurements of a single user that might be poorly served by one particular ISP (and/or the routing used by this ISP) might skew the picture ever so slightly.
BTW, I'm sorry that a minor request I added here has lead this thread to get a bit OT.
Hi Team TC! ;)
Very nice work with the new TC 2.8rc2. I really like the new icons. Usually I have been booting with the "noicons" option. Now in this release I don't use it. So thanks for a good job!!!
Have fun continuing the development TC,
I see cases when OnBoot extension seems to be loaded. It is in /usr/local/tce.installed and loop mounted, its contents is in /tmp/tcloop/... However, it is not symlinked to its destination in /usr/local so doesn't available.
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