Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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Just a thought  as wbar updates are mentioned...

Could wbar be made suitable for swallowing in a JWM tray? For netbooks this would be a bonus

As 'time-nw.nist.gov' appears to have been AWOL now for a while (i.e. no response even with a 'ping') I'd like to suggest to change 'usr/bin/getTime.sh' to use 'time.nist.gov' instead.


--- Quote from: maro on July 19, 2011, 10:45:20 PM ---As 'time-nw.nist.gov' appears to have been AWOL now for a while (i.e. no response even with a 'ping') I'd like to suggest to change 'usr/bin/getTime.sh' to use 'time.nist.gov' instead.

--- End quote ---

Why not pool.ntp.org?


--- Quote from: danielibarnes on July 19, 2011, 10:52:02 PM ---
--- Quote from: maro on July 19, 2011, 10:45:20 PM ---As 'time-nw.nist.gov' appears to have been AWOL now for a while (i.e. no response even with a 'ping') I'd like to suggest to change 'usr/bin/getTime.sh' to use 'time.nist.gov' instead.

--- End quote ---

Why not pool.ntp.org?

--- End quote ---

getTime.sh uses Daytime Protocol (RFC-867), not Network Time Protocol (RFC-1305). 

Note that http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi recommends using neither time-nw.nist.gov nor time.nist.gov.

I'm unable to mount any dvd if a disc was in the player during boot. Mounting dvds works if player was empty during boot.

I'm running mc with xorg 7.5.


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