Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing


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This has turned to being ideas and suggestions.

Sorry, I cannot please everyone, but I have no interest in popup dialog confirmation boxes or the dreaded double click. Feature creep towards being like Windows is not in the cards.


--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on July 11, 2011, 12:14:47 PM ---
A refresh button is great but how about open "mnttool" on drive detection?   If you connect a USB thumb drive for example, it is detected so why not present the mnttool which is the next expected action of the operator?  

It follows that if you connect a drive there must be some intent to use it, no?  You could take this one step further and mount the drive considering this is the intention of connecting the drive, whilst leaving the mnttool up for the inevitable removal.

--- End quote ---

Such popups "I see you put in an usb drive, would you like me to blabla" are really against the idea of TC to me. Also discussed before.

i agree,
we should not blow up tinycore,
it 's so unbelievable lean and clean...
one important goal should be to stay this tiny size,
6 or 10mb, packed with such a great environment, don't blow it up!!!!

please don't be offended, although the above mentioned symbolic link per label is rejected:
i really love this idea of symbolic links, especially this LABEL-link,
because i like to have on different platforms (like tinycore-configs, desktops, servers or embedded systems)
the same links, paths, multifunctional environments....

i don't mind to look for a different way to umount this /mnt/LABEL.
perhaps tinycore could mount on the normal mount point, but offers the /mnt/LABEL-link at the same time!?

perhaps there is a way to umount over the normal mount point or the device f.e.

/mnt/sdb2/tce                      /dev/sdb2                    physical device
/mnt/TCE                               /dev/sdb2                    LABEL-link
umount  /mnt/sdb2/tce

i would be happy if you could leave this idea in your focus at least for the long future.
thank you.

A pop up or double click to select,   didn't expect to be taken so literally these were just thoughts, throwing out idea's  Really I'm hoping you can come up with some innovative mechanism which is worthy and in keeping with the flavor of TC

Wallpaper is much better now. Thanks!


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