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Author Topic: Suggestion for "onboot list" as boot code: file end ".lst" should be optional  (Read 2576 times)

Offline floppy

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in order to save 4 letters in the boot code line, I suggest to eliminate the requirement file extension ".lst"
kernel command line "... lst=mytceonbootlist.lst" should work with "lst=mytceonbootlist" 
The "lst=mytceonbootlist"  dont work (no TCE are loaded).
1. can save 4 letters ".lst" on the boot code (I come currently to the limit of 255 caracters)
2. mydata=mydata dont have the extension ".tgz", too (so, not homogenous)
AMD K6-IIIATZ 550MHz MB DFI K6xv3/+66
P4 HP DC7100 3GB 3GHz
Samsung NC10 boot from SD card port (via USB reader)
.. all TinyCore proofed

Offline gerald_clark

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I don't really see theneed to change.

The mydata file needs to be a .tgz file ( although technically the extension needn't be.tgz ).
The backup has an even different extension, so including the extension would complicate the code.

mytceonbootlist does not need to end in .lst.
If you want it to end in lst add .lst.
If you don't want it to end in .lst, don't.
You could save even more characters if you specified lst=l.